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4 products

Results for Chaplain

  • Pocket-size Book of Mormon

    The Book of Mormon is a volume of holy scripture that is a companion to the Bible as a testament of the Lord Jesus Christ. Written by ancient prophets, it is a record of God's dealings with ancient inhabitants of the Americas.

  • Becoming a Self-Reliant and Resilient Family manual

    The purpose of this study guide is for military families and single service members to develop self-reliance and resilience, which will strengthen them, help them successfully endure the trials common to military life, and anchor them to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • Military Identification Tag

    This small metal identification tag includes a sculpted image of the new Church symbol along with instructions on the back to contact a Latter-day Saint chaplain or Church member in case of injury or critical incident. The tag should be given to each member serving in the military to be worn with their military ID tags. First responders may also choose to wear the identification tag.

  • Sacrament Service Field Kit

    The sacrament is an ordinance in which Church members take bread and water to remember Jesus Christ’s sacrifice. It is a vital part of worship. This kit can be used to give the sacrament to those who are unable to attend sacrament meeting or in other special cases. It has a collapsible combination bread and water tray, 100 sacrament cups, two cloths, a card with the sacrament prayers, and a case.