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4 products

Results for Youth Manuals

  • Personal Development Youth Guidebook

    This guidebook and notebook will help youth with their personal growth, teaching them to develop their gifts and how to follow Jesus Christ. It will also provide a place to record impressions and goals as they learn.

  • Aaronic Priesthood Quorum Camp Guide

    This guide helps Aaronic priesthood quorum leaders and adult advisors plan and execute ward and stake overnight, and multi-day camps. Camps can help young men deepen their faith in Jesus Christ, build gospel centered relationships and unity. Camp activities help young men increase self-reliance and outdoor skills, discover interests, develop leadership skills and friendships, and grow in the gospel..

  • For the Strength of Youth (Pocket)

    This revised pocket version of For the Strength of Youth summarizes the gospel teachings that will help youth make righteous choices.

  • True to the Faith: A Gospel Reference

    This book is designed as a companion to studying the scriptures and the teachings of latter-day prophets. It contains brief, simple statements on gospel doctrines and principles, arranged alphabetically. It is particularly helpful for youth, young single adults, and new members.