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28 products

Results for Missionary Manuals

  • Preach My Gospel

    Newest edition of <i>Preach My Gospel</i>. This manual is the standard curriculum for all mission presidents, full-time missionaries, and ward missionaries. It may also be used by leaders and members in stakes and wards. All three sizes are spiral-bound. The mini-sized version measures 5 x 6.5 inches (12.7 x 16.5 cm), the medium-sized version measures 6 x 7.8 inches (15.2 x 19.8 cm), and the large-sized version measures 8.4 x 10.9 inches (21.3  x 27.7 cm).

  • Jesus the Christ

    This book describes the life and mission of the Savior using scriptures. Written by Elder James E. Talmage, Jesus the Christ was first published in 1915.

  • Our Heritage

    The story of the beginning of the Church is one of faith, dedication, and joy. This book teaches about those who have gone before and reminds us of the blessings we receive as disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • Adjusting to Missionary Life

    This booklet provides insight and ideas to help missionaries overcome stress and challenges they or their companions may experience as missionaries in the field. Includes an assessment tool to help with specific situations.

  • Missionary Standards: Supplemental Information

    Supplemental material for <i>Missionary Standards for Disciples of Jesus Christ</i>. This resource contains more specific detail and information for missionary health, safety, and security.

  • Missionary Standards for Disciples of Jesus Christ

    New version of <i>Missionary Standards for Disciples of Jesus Christ</i>, containing standards for full-time missionaries' conduct along with updated guidelines for their health, safety, and security. Following these standards helps missionaries magnify their callings.

  • The Plan of Salvation

    This pamphlet has information about where we came from, this life’s purpose, and where we will go after this life. It corresponds with lesson 2 in chapter 3 of Preach My Gospel. It is intended as a study guide. 25 per package.

  • The Gospel of Jesus Christ

    This pamphlet has information about the first principles and ordinances of the gospel. It corresponds with lesson 2 in chapter 3 of Preach My Gospel. It is intended as a study guide.

  • Chastity

    This pamphlet helps people learning about the Church understand the law of chastity and how and why to keep it. It is intended as a study guide.

  • The Word of Wisdom

    This pamphlet helps people learning about the Church understand the Word of Wisdom and how and why to keep it. It is intended as a study guide.

  • Tithing and Fast Offerings

    This pamphlet helps people learning about the Church understand the law of tithing and how and why to keep it. It is intended as a study guide.

  • The Living Christ: The Testimony of the Apostles

    As special witnesses of Jesus Christ, members of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve testify to the world that He is the immortal Son of God and the Redeemer of the world.

  • Testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith

    This pamphlet contains the simple, direct testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith in his own words. The narrative retells some of the events that led to the restoration of the gospel and the Church.

  • Articles of Faith Card Bi-fold

    Each card in this set of 16 has a different work of art on the front and the 13 Articles of Faith printed on the inside. These are perfect for including with gifts and sharing with friends.

  • Learning and Serving in the Church

    This pamphlet has information for those completing the missionary lessons. It teaches how to continue gospel learning and describes service opportunities in the Church. It corresponds with lesson 5 in chapter 3 of Preach My Gospel. It is intended as a study guide.

  • Families and Temples

    A missionary teaching pamphlet for use with investigators about temples and families. Topics include: exaltation, temples, eternal families, sealing power, and family history. Comes in a set of 25 pamphlets.

  • The Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

    This pamphlet has information about the revealed gospel, the apostasy, and the restoration of the gospel in the latter days. It corresponds with lesson 1 in chapter 3 of Preach My Gospel. It is intended as a study guide. 25 per package.

  • The Family: A Proclamation to the World

    This statement from the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles describes the importance of marriage and the family in God’s eternal plan. It also highlights the duties of parents and gives principles for happy and successful families.

  • The Purpose of Life

    Where can lasting peace and happiness be found? This pamphlet helps to answer this and other frequently asked questions by viewing life through our Heavenly Father’s plan.

  • Progress Record

    This form is used by missionaries to report to ward or stake leaders the progress of those they are teaching, recent converts, and less-active members.

  • Missionary Handbook Cover

    The Missionary Handbook has basic standards of missionary service and conduct. Following these standards help missionaries magnify their callings and protect them physically and spiritually. This white vinyl cover for the Missionary Handbook helps to keep it protected.

  • Full-time Missionary Blank Name Badge

    The official missionary name badge identifies full-time missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as representatives of Christ. This name badge is available in a pin, pocket or magnetic options. 10 per package.<p>The custom name engraving details are available by following the Name Engraving Instructions link below in the Resources section.

  • Missionary Daily Planner

    Tools and information needed for missionary work are in the Missionary Daily Planner. It includes space for daily schedules, monthly and weekly goals, contact information of members and people being taught, and weekly and monthly results. It also has planning guidelines; a list of the events that lead to baptism, confirmation, and activity in the Church; missionary lesson plans; ideas for finding people to teach; and baptismal interview questions.

  • Name Badge Clip

    The official name badge identifies fulltime missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This clip has holes to hold a pin-on missionary name badge. It clips onto clothing for quick transfer without putting pin holds in fabric.

  • Tabbed Dividers

    Every teaching area has an area book, which becomes the lasting record of missionaries’ day-to-day efforts. Missionaries should keep it neat, current, and accurate so future missionaries can refer to it. Tabbed dividers help organize an area book binder.

  • 3 Simple Ways to Become a Happier Family

    This booklet combines the following pamphlets into a single publication: 10 Ways to Improve Family Communication, 10 Ways to Take Time for Your Family, and 10 Ways to Teach Values in the Home.

  • Oil Vial Keychain

    Chrome-plated compact key chain oil vial provides an easy way to carry consecrated oil. A rubber ring prevents leaks and a spinning attachment keeps the lid from coming off accidentally. Oil is not included.

  • People with Interest

    This form is used by missionaries to record information on referrals they receive or people they contact who, through additional contact, may accept an invitation to be taught the missionary discussions.