19 products
Results for Reference and Handbooks
- Baptism and Confirmation Record
The baptism record is used as a baptism recommend by the bishop, branch president, or authorized missionary when interviewing a candidate for baptism. After the baptism, the ward or branch uses it as a temporary membership record. (Consent Version)
- Limited Reporting for Small Branches
In areas where there are fewer Church members, Latter-day Saints are organized into branches instead of wards. This form explains principles of record keeping and outlines the reports used in small branches.
- Request for Ordinance Information
Ward clerks can use this form to ask for a search of Church records if a member cannot provide his or her certificate of an ordinance or blessing. This will allow a search of records submitted before 1984.
- Money Received and Spent, Monthly Report
Money Received and Spent Report forms used in Church units for financial controls and reporting.
- New Patriarch Recommendation
Stake presidents use this form to recommend the names of worthy men to serve as patriarchs.
- Financial Report for Small Branches
This form is used in small branches to report donations and to request payments or reimbursements.
- Child Blessing Record and Certificate
Melchizedek Priesthood holders may participate in naming and blessing children. Before a child is blessed, the ward clerk fills out a Child Blessing Record. After the blessing, the clerk completes this form. He also prepares a blessing certificate. The bishop signs the certificate, and he or the clerk gives it to the child’s parent(s) or guardian(s).
- Attendance Roll
This attendance roll form is for recording meeting attendance in priesthood and auxiliary meetings. For units that do not use the Member and Leader Services (MLS) software.
- Officers Sustained (Branch in Mission)
This form is used to record the names of officers sustained at the annual branch conference. Maximum order: 2. Units only.
- Officers Sustained (District)
This form is used to record the names of officers sustained at the first district conference of the year (or the second conference, if the first is a broadcast). Maximum order: 2. Units only.
- Officers Sustained (Stake)
This form is used to record the names of officers sustained at the first stake conference of the year (or the second conference, if the first is a broadcast). Maximum order: 2. Units only.
- Officers Sustained (Ward or Branch in Stake)
This form is used to record the names of officers sustained at the annual ward or branch conference. Maximum order: 2. Units only.
- Report of Administrative Action
This form is used to report an administrative action to the Office of the First Presidency.
- Report of Church Disciplinary Action
Church disciplinary action is the beginning of an opportunity to return to full fellowship and the full blessings of the Church. Church discipline is given at a local level by those who know the situation and the individual best and who can be at his or her side during the repentance process. This form is used to report the result of a Church disciplinary council to the Office of the First Presidency.
- Meet the Mormons Blu-ray
Even if you’ve met Mormons before, this documentary video will take you on an unexpected journey around the world. It highlights the lives of six members of the Church reconciling the beliefs of their faith in near and far away places including the United States, Costa Rica, Germany and Nepal. Meet the Mormons is ideal for Public Affairs Work, Family Home Evenings, Humanitarian-related Firesides and Curriculum Support. Meet the Mormons Blu-ray is available in multiple languages.
- Baptism and Confirmation Certificate
A person becomes a member of the Church by being baptized and confirmed. Baptism into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is done by full immersion in water by a person who holds the authority. Confirmation is done by a priesthood holder putting his hands on the head of the person and blessing him or her. This certificate is presented to new members. For units that do not use the Member and Leader Services (MLS) software.
- Melchizedek Priesthood Ordination Record and Certificate
The Melchizedek Priesthood is the highest order given to men on earth. It is the power to save and elevate the children of men. When a man is ordained to the Melchizedek Priesthood, the stake clerk fills out the Melchizedek Priesthood Ordination Record. The stake or ward clerk fills out an ordination certificate, which the stake president signs. A priesthood leader or clerk gives the signed certificate to the member. For units that do not use the Member and Leader Services (MLS) software.
- Church History Guides: Annual History
This guide provides direction to stake, district, and mission leadership for preparing and submitting the unit annual history.
- Travel and Long-distance Telephone Reimbursement Request
For bishops, branch presidents, stake and district presidents, and stake clerks to request reimbursement for authorized mileage and long-distance telephone expenses.