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Results for Seminary and Institute Manuals

  • Book of Mormon Student Manual

    This student manual helps with reading and studying the Book of Mormon. It contains insights and inspired advice to help students liken all scriptures to themselves. It has 56 chapters covering the Book of Mormon. Each chapter has five parts: introduction, commentary, study questions, points to ponder, and suggested assignments.

  • Old Testament Student Manual: Genesis–2 Samuel

    This manual has background information about the settings, people, and books of the Old Testament. It also has commentary, maps, charts, and timelines. The 28 chapters cover one-half of the Old Testament, from Genesis through 2 Samuel, including some Psalms. The rest of the Old Testament is covered in the manual for Religion 302.

  • Old Testament Instructor’s Guide

    This guide is designed for use in both Old Testament courses. It contains 55 lessons. Each lesson has a scripture heading, scripture content outline, supplementary study sources, and suggestions for presentation.

  • Doctrine and Covenants Instructor’s Guide

    This guide has 28 lessons for teaching the Doctrine and Covenants over a school year. The course allows the teacher to teach by sequence or by topic. The student manual is sequential, and the instructor’s guide is topical. When teaching from the instructor’s guide, refer to the student manual for historical background and context for each section.

  • Church History in the Fulness of Times Teacher Manual

    This manual has 49 lessons. Each lesson has a theme, student manual and scripture sources, suggested approaches, theme sources, and additional sources. Teachers should study the teacher manual and the corresponding student manual to teach these courses.

  • Old Testament Student Manual: 1 Kings–Malachi

    This manual has background information about the settings, people, and books of the Old Testament. It also has commentary, maps, charts, and timelines. The 28 chapters cover one-half of the Old Testament, from 1 Kings through Malachi. The first half of the Old Testament is covered in the manual for Religion 301.

  • Doctrine and Covenants Student Manual

    This manual helps people study the Doctrine and Covenants section by section. Because many of the revelations came forth in response to a particular situation that the Prophet Joseph Smith was in, a short historical background is given for each section, followed by notes and commentary on the revelations themselves.

  • Church History in the Fullness of Times Student Manual

    This manual has 49 lessons. It covers the history of the Church in the latter days chronologically. It also includes cross-references to the Doctrine and Covenants, photos of apostles since the restoration, and resources for further reading.

  • Jesus Christ and the Everlasting Gospel (Religion 250)

    This course focuses on the eternal ministry of Jesus Christ and His divine roles and teachings throughout His premortal, mortal, and postmortal life. Special emphasis is given to the Savior’s central role in Heavenly Father’s plan for His children. This course builds upon students’ previous sequential and topical gospel study experiences and is taught using blocks of scripture in context from across the standard works as well as the teachings of modern prophets. Available as digital download.

  • Scripture Study—The Power of the Word Teacher Manual

    This course teaches students how to read and understand the scriptures. This helps them learn and apply truth. The manual has fifteen lessons. Each lesson has a teaching objective, theme, teaching ideas, supplementary study sources, and suggested student study.

  • Missionary Preparation: Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ

    This resource provides materials for teaching Missionary Preparation courses. The lesson materials are designed to help youth and young adults prepare spiritually, emotionally, and physically for the challenges and opportunities of missionary work.