Il disco 1 comprende: Alleluja Fanfare/Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, How Great Thou Art, Morning Has Broken, Brother James’s Air, Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring, The Lord’s Prayer, The Impossible Dream, Homeward Bound, Old Time Religion, Climb Ev’ry Mountain, God Bless America, Call of the Champions, Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing, Hallelujah (dal Messiah di Händel), Glorious Everlasting e Betelehemu. Il disco 2 comprende: How Firm a Foundation, Consider the Lilies, Simple Gifts, Be Still, My Soul, Hallelujah Chorus (da Christ on the Mount of Olives), Come, Come, Ye Saints, You’ll Never Walk Alone, Shenandoah, The Battle of Jericho, Over the Rainbow, Down to the River to Pray, Amazing Grace, God Be with You Till We Meet Again, Battle Hymn of the Republic, All People That on Earth Do Dwell e Danny Boy. Il CD/DVD extra contiene del materiale audio di archivio sentito di rado, come la primissima registrazione del Coro, avvenuta nel 1910. Contiene il video dello spettacolo del Coro in